2011 through to 2014 were a challenge for me. One of the biggest challenges I faced was trying to understand why 90% of the time I felt down.
I was experiencing various symptoms, including:
Low moods
Some days were harder than others. Sometimes I found it hard to get out of bed; most days it was difficult to remain positive. I’d lost all my enthusiasm for life and felt as if a cloud of sadness floated around me.
I tried increasing my workouts to boost endorphins. This worked some of the time, but some days I just couldn’t be bothered to work out. My days were up and down, I never knew how I was going to feel.
During this time, I started to develop anxiety. Normal tasks like work, washing clothes and cooking dinner would give me anxiety. I knew I could get these tasks done, but the idea of having the work on my 'to do list' presented all kinds of concerns and worry.
What if I couldn’t get it done? I mean, I knew I could - there was no reason why I couldn’t - but there was something going on in my head that made me feel like all these demands were too stressful.
Trouble sleeping
If that wasn’t enough, my sleep patterns began to change, I started to wake up in the middle of the night with anxious thoughts on my mind, this in turn made me feel tired in the day, with no energy or drive, and I felt like one hell of a spiralling mess.
Hormone imbalance
I was an emotional wreck with a bad case of hormone imbalance. So I read books, articles, talked to friends and quizzed doctors on hormones. I’d read about maca root before, but didn’t really believe it (or for that matter any supplement) would work, but how wrong I was.
My search for a solution
By my own admission, I am my own science experiment, a self-medicator if you will. I thoroughly research everything I do to the point of becoming a near expert and it’s important to mention I never do anything dangerous.
I therefore discovered what I was feeling was quite typical for women around the age of 35 and over.

Trying Maca Root Supplements for the first time
Desperate to feel myself again, I bought Maca Root from Love Life Supplements, choosing the product because of the high strength and excellent reviews. I thought, what the heck? I’ve got to do something.
At this point I also made an appointment at the doctor's to have my hormones tested. My appointment was scheduled two weeks after I started taking the maca root supplements. From the first day, I noticed I felt calmer and I began to sleep much better. As the week progressed, I started to feel like myself again: optimistic, positive and happy. I really couldn’t believe it.
On the morning of the blood test I said to my husband, “I don’t know if there’s any point in going, I feel fantastic.” But I went anyway.
A few days later, I rang the clinic to get my results, and to my great joy, my hormones were spot on. I wasn’t low in anything. They also tested me for iron deficiency, thyroid imbalance, vitamin D levels, and my results showed I was in great form.
I felt better than I had in years
I feel this is all due to taking a maca root supplement. As a result I have bought these gold dust capsules for several friends who, like me, also felt out of sorts. I feel like I’ve saved us all from our very own hormones. For that reason, I cannot recommend this high quality maca root supplement enough. It has literally changed my life and I will be forever grateful.
How to take maca capsules
My kids call my maca root capsules “Mum’s happy pills.”
The Benefits of Maca Root
- Also known as Peruvian ginseng, maca is a root vegetable that looks similar to a radish and is grown in Peru, South America, where it has been used for both food and medicine for more than 2000 years.
- Maca is an adaptogen, so it responds differently to each person by regulating the body to produce the hormones it needs more of or less of. Essentially, this is a natural way of balancing hormones, endocrine and thyroid function and enhancing the immune system. Hormones are made up of amino acids and cholesterol.
- It’s a nutritional powerhouse containing a high content of the essential amino acids, free fatty acids, protein and macamides, vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, C, minerals including iron, magnesium, zinc and calcium.
- Known to be beneficial in both men and women, people use maca root for depression, balancing hormones, thyroid, building muscle, helping with perimenopause and menopause symptoms in women. It can help with chronic fatigue, anxiety, stress, circulation, bone density, hair growth, fertility, libido, mental focus, acne, osteoporosis, and for prostate in males.
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