Let’s face it, some foods are inherently better for us than others.
And then there are the so-called superfoods – the ones that just keep delivering more and more benefits the more we find out about them.
But does broccoli make this hallowed list? Let’s check out some of the benefits it has to offer.
It’s one of your 5-a-day
Let’s start with the most obvious shall we? Getting five portions of fruit and veg a day has plenty of benefits in helping us stay healthy and reduce disease. Since you only need to eat a couple of broccoli spears to get a single portion, it’s an easy one to tick off the list.
It could help prevent arthritis
It could also slow its progression in people who already suffer from arthritis. Cartilage can be damaged by an enzyme that broccoli blocks in the body. The broccoli itself doesn’t do this, but a compound called sulforaphane does exist in the vegetable.
This compound also seems to have antimicrobial properties, according to the latest research. And if that wasn’t enough this same compound has also been powerful enough to kill off stem cells associated with cancer.
It's rich in vitamins
While an average serving is around 80g, if you increase that to 100g you can enjoy one and a half times your recommended daily allowance of vitamin C. You also get a shot of vitamin A, B-complex vitamins and various other nutrients.
It contains phytonutrients
Research has shown that phytonutrients seem to be able to reduce an individual’s risk of developing heart disease and diabetes. There may also be a reduced risk of cancer, according to this research. This dovetails nicely with what we learned above about sulforaphane.
It contains myrosinase
Myrosinase is an enzyme that can potentially reduce your chances of getting cancer if you eat broccoli regularly. One study found that eating a single portion three times in a month could slash the chances of getting bladder cancer.
According to another body of research, myrosinase – existing naturally in broccoli – changes certain chemicals in the vegetable known as glucosinolates into isothiocyanates. This transformation means you get even more cancer-fighting properties from each portion of broccoli you eat.
Does broccoli have anti-inflammatory properties?
Indeed it could. You may have heard of flavonoids already; broccoli has one of these called kaempferol. According to research, this particular flavonoid could reduce the harmful effects allergens can have on us. So if you suffer from allergies it could be a good idea to introduce more broccoli into your diet.
An article of this length actually can’t fit in all the goodies broccoli has in store for us when we eat it regularly. Research has shown all kinds of other beneficial properties as well. If you ever needed an excuse to introduce more green vegetables into your diet, maybe you should start today by buying or ideally growing some of your own broccoli.
If you don't like the taste of broccoli or want to get all the amazing health benefits on the go in a quick and easy way, you can always try our fantastic broccoli supplement.