Love Life Supplements are extremely proud to be sponsoring Tarran Kent-Hume and Olie Hunter Smart as they take on an epic challenge called the Amazon River Run! The ARR is basically a 6,500km kayak down the entire length of the Amazon River in South America. I say basically but this is far from basic as Tarran and Olie will be kayaking for 10+ gruelling hours a day for around 4 to 5 months!
Before even putting a paddle in the water they will have a 400 mile walk along the dangerous white water section of the river, lasting 26-30 days! They will then start kayaking through the infamous Red Zone (known for its' coca production) before entering the wider part of the river known as the Amazonas.
To quote from their website:
"We will battle with high altitudes, heat, humidity, tropical storms, insects, wild animals and tribes at war to name a few.
It will be physically and mentally demanding and draining. We will be on the river for months on end with only one another to talk to. The every day stresses will build as we tire further downstream. And we will need to motivate ourselves and each other in order to push through these barriers and reach our destination.
It will be tough and there will be risks involved taking us out of our comfort zone. We will be saying ‘so long’ to our families and friends, giving up our jobs and the modern day luxuries we’ve become accustomed to.
We hope to inspire those who feel unfulfilled to break the mould, chase their dreams and confront their fears. Get out there and start living."
This truly is an unbelievable challenge and when Tarran contacted me about the trip I immediately jumped at the chance to be involved as I admired their bravery, ambition and desire to step out of their comfort zone and truly challenge themselves; something myself and LLS believe strongly in. Tarran chose to contact us because he was taken with our ethos of basically living and loving life to the fullest by maximising both physical and mental health and of course our dedication to providing high quality supplements with natural, chemical-free ingredients, which they needed for their trip.
Although admiral, this is not all for the purpose of challenging oneself, there are some very worthwhile charities supported as well. They are the Duchenne Children's Trust who raise funds for research into cures and treatments for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and Limited Resource Teacher Training who run transformational teacher training projects in areas where such training is scarce. Please show your support by donating to these worthwhile charities. More details can be found here.
Obviously high quality nutrition is absolutely vital on their journey to keep them healthy and energised. We will therefore providing Tarran and Olie a plentiful supply of four supplements/foods for their trip; Primal Power Whey Protein, Primal Beef Jerky, Multi-Vitamin and Mineral Support and Acidophilus and Bifidobacteria Support. Why these?
Will provide high quality, non-perishable whey protein and healthy MCT fats as well as flax seeds for omega-3's and fibre and digestive enzymes and fructooligosaccharides (prebiotics) for gut health and protein absorption.
Again, high quality, non-perishable protein and healthy fats (including omega 3's as it is grass-fed beef) plus much needed sodium and vitamins. The fact that it is a different source of protein to Primal Power also means the combination will provide a broader spectrum of amino acids to help prevent muscle wastage.
They may not always be getting all the micro-nutrients and minerals they need to maintain health from the foods they will be eating, therefore it is important they receive a high quality array of vitamins and minerals from a supplement. This is where our multi-vit comes in.
As the possibility of catching an infectious disease could be quite high on their trip, Tarran and Olie need to ensure the health of their gut is as good as it can be to help fight off any infection. Pre and pro-biotics are therefore essential, which is where our A&B Support comes in. Although Primal Power provides these, this acts as extra insurance. It has a high count of viable organisms (30 billion CFU) and prebiotics in the form of Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) to feed to good bacteria.
Tarran and Olie set off in a matter of days and while away they will be providing updates and photos (when possible) of their progress and we will of course be sharing those with you on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, email and here, so you truly can follow along. Make sure you check back regularly.

We had the pleasure of meeting Tarran and Olie a few weeks and they truly are great guys with an unbelievable task ahead of them. We are proud to be providing them with the tools they need to stay as fit and healthy as possible and are honoured they came to us.
Please join us in giving them and the charities involved your full support and we wish them all the best and good luck on this incredible challenge!
More details can be found on the Amazon River Run website.